The organizers will grant scholarships to a limited number of PhD/MD students/young postdocs attending the meeting.
The applications will be evaluated by the ECDO-2022 organizers and board. The scholarship will consist of a free registration to the conference.
Please do NOT make the payment of registration fee before you know the result of the scholarship.
Eligibility rules
- Abstract submission is essential to be eligible for a scholarship.
- Only PhD/MD students or young postdocs having less than 10 years of research experience since gaining a university degree giving access to doctoral studies in the country in which the degree was obtained, can apply for a scholarship.
- Only ECDO members are eligible for scholarship application
Application procedure
Please send the following documents to the ECDO secretariat only by e-mail ( compiled in ONE SINGLE PDF file:
- Your abstract (in the regular ECDO abstract format, containing title, author list, affiliation, and body abstract on max. 1 A4 page)
- Your Curriculum Vitae – including a list of publications - clearly stating your personal details (including date of birth and nationality) and an overview of your educational and professional career (with dates, two pages max.!)
- A letter of motivation why you want to attend the conference
- A (signed) supporting letter from the head of the department/lab/research unit
- Confirmation of your ECDO membership 2022
Deadline for scholarship application is June 30, 2022.
Please note that applications not conform the guidelines will not be considered.