Abstract information and submission

Participants are invited to submit an abstract (max. one A4 page) for oral (15min) or poster presentation. For each session, oral presentations will be selected from submitted abstracts by the Scientific Committee.

Abstracts must adequately describe the objectives and results so that the quality and originality of the abstract can be evaluated by the scientific committee.

All contributions (invited speakers, short oral contributors, poster presentations) will be published in the form of abstracts.

Registrants will only be able to submit an abstract, once the payment has been received. Upon payment, an individual link will be sent to the registrant containing a link and a code, providing the possiblilty to upload the abstract.


  1. The organisers reserve the right to make editorial changes to the abstracts if necessary.
  2. By submitting your abstract, you agree
  • to transfer ownership of copyright for the abstract and its content to the "28th Euroconference on Apoptosis" to enable publication in the book of abstracts.
  • to publish your coordinates in the participants list in the book of abstracts










Conference secretariat

Carlo Ganini MD, PhD

University of Rome Tor Vergata

Department of Experimental Medicine

Phone 333.6002286

e-mail: carlo.ganini@gmail.com





Fetscherstraße 72
01307 Dresden

Tel: +49 (351) 652 86 37
Fax: +49 (351) 652 86 38
E-Mail: info@contag-dresden.de

ECDO secretariat


Vandevoorde Veronique
VIB-Ghent University Center for Inflammation Research
Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 71
B-9052 Ghent (Zwijnaarde) Belgium
Tel: +32-(0)9-33-13682

e-mail: Veronique.Vandevoorde@irc.vib-UGent.be and ecdo@irc.ugent.be